. ~^~ . . ~^~ . . ~^~ . . ~^~ . . ~^~ . . ~^~ . . ~^~ . . ~^~ . . ~^~ . . ~^~ . . ~^~ . . ~^~ . Welcome to the Library. 1. 0 File Sharers (Leeches) will be most likely hammered and ignored. Explanation: How can you possibly have 0 files? 2. Less than 50 file sharers will probably be canceled, but you are welcome to come back later. Explanation: Many of those files will be incomplete, or of no interest to most people. Since the library has limited seating, priority is given to those who make stronger efforts to contribute to the community. If you are sincere, you sould have no problem having over 50 files. See rule #4. 3. If you are not uploading to anyone, you may be cancelled. Explanation: If you are not uploading to anyone it is either because: it's intentional. You have set your ports to 0 or some such other weird thing. Or, you have such few or obscure files that no one wants anything from you. Which may or may not also be intentional. See rule #4. 4. If you tell the librarian a good story, or amuse her, she may disreguard these requirements. An interesting personality can outshine moral deficiencies/lack of files. If you are already being ignored because you have 0 files, change your name. Better be an awesome story, like Herculian. 5. If you are currently donating to the Library, message the Librarian to start you. She will do so if she is present. 6. If your file is for a child, message the Librarian. She will probably start you. 7. If your file is very small, message the Librarian. She will probably start you. 8. If you have over 1000 files, and are uploading to several people, message the Librarian. She will probably start you. 9. The Library offers a variety of diversions. Fake files, duplicate files, and corrupt files are eventually removed. However, there is no garantee that every file available is correct. The Librarian simply does not have the time. Download at your own risk! If you were trading with the library and have received a damaged file, message the Librarian. She will ammend the situation. 10. Generous users are permitted more selections. Enjoy your stay. The Library of Alexandria . ~^~ . . ~^~ . . ~^~ . . ~^~ . . ~^~ . . ~^~ . . ~^~ . . ~^~ . . ~^~ . . ~^~ . . ~^~ . . ~^~ .